Monday, September 26, 2016

September 26

I posted the results of your Chapter 1-2 Test on D2L today during my prep period, so check it out. We did an exercise today in which you were to rank the factors that caused the French Revolution in order of importance. This led to discussion, argument and debate on the conditions in France on the eve of the revolution. For some of you long-term causes were more important to the outbreak than more immediate causes. Although there's no right or wrong answer to the exercise, the purpose was to get you thinking, discussing, and trying to convince others of your position/viewpoint, and use supporting evidence to make your position stronger. We also talked about expressions of nationalism today, so if you missed class today, you'll need to get these notes from a classmate. Please remember that your French Revolution DBA Assignment is due on Thursday, September 29th. If you need to get some homework from Social Studies tonight, this is something that you should be working on. You can find a digital version of this assignment on the Social 20-1 wiki on the Unit 1 Assignments page (I think I said Unit 2 in class, all apologies).

I did a homework check on some assigned work out of your History of the Americas textbook at the beginning of class. We'll be discussing Thomas Paine's Common Sense and the Declaration of Independence in class tomorrow. I showed you a video from the U.S. History series called "The American Revolution" today, and you should have taken extensive notes on the video today. Please make sure that you have printed off, read, highlighted and annotated Chapter 4 "The Struggle for Independence" from The United States and Its' People that scanned as a PDF and posted on the wiki last week. You can find this chapter on the Independence Movement page on the IB 20 wiki. Keep checking the wiki for updates to the current events page, you have a current events quiz on Friday, September 30th.

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