Wednesday, September 28, 2005

September 28

We began our look at the topic of Western alienation today in class. I had a class set of readings from which you were to take notes. This took most of the class period. Topics covered in the note-taking session were:

  • What is alienation?
  • Concerns raised by Western provinces
  • Regional political parties formed in the West (founding date, leaders, where they were active, and objectives of the party)
  • Seeds of Western Alienation (root causes)
  • Growth of Western Alienation (Great Depression, protective tariffs, OPEC, Reform Party)

I also distributed a booklet with two handouts: one of which argued for Albertan independence, and the other against independence. Here's what I'd like you to do with these articles: read them, take notes on arguments for and against, and differentiate between fact and opinion. We will be discussing these articles and issues that they raise in class tomorrow.

We continued viewing the video "The French Revolution: Years of Hope" in class today. The main event in today's portion was the capture of Louis XVI at Varennes. I also gave you some class time to work on a rough draft of your letter assignment or you could have worked on the research assignment. I have set due dates for this two assignments. The letter assignment is due on Monday, October 3rd and the research assignment is due on Wednesday, October 5th.

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