Friday, September 09, 2005

September 9

I distributed a handout today entitled "Basic Canadian Geographical Information". I gave you the class period (55 minutes) to work on this handout, and very few of you were able to complete it in the time alotted. We will continue with this on Monday, it was not assigned for homework. Next week, we will begin examining how the geographical size of our country and distribution of resources leads to regionalism (one of the major themes of Social 10) and regional disparity. I also collected your maps which were due today.

I gave you some time today to work on the question that accompanied the handout for the A&E Top 10 Most Influential People of the Millennium video. This will be due on Monday. As well, the "Introduction to History and Change" assignment (Parts "A", "B" and "C") will be due on Monday. Please bring pencil crayons on Monday.

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