Wednesday, March 17, 2010

March 17

We really focused in on the concept of appeasement today. We watched a short video from the BBC 20th Century History series called "Why Appeasement?" and while you were watching the video you were to complete a video study sheet. We then went through a focus task on arguments for and against appeasement. I also talked a little bit about the League of Nations, and taught you a new mnemonic device to remember why the League is considered by many to be a FAILURe. Your post-WWI Map Assignment is due tomorrow.

We watched a short video today from the A & E Biography series called "Joseph Stalin: Red Terror", and while you were watching this video you were completing a film study sheet. You also had some time to read over all of the handouts that I gave you on the command economy. You also worked with a partner on a fill in the blank activity on the command economy. You also had some time to study for tomorrow's Market Economy and Mixed Economy Test. Please see the study guide for this test here.

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