Thursday, March 25, 2010

March 25

You wrote your Chapter 5-6 Test today, which took most of the period. Tomorrow you will be brainstorming causes of WWII and I will be giving you a notes package that covers key events in WWII with maps to help illustrate these events.

You wrote your Economic Systems Exam today. Please remember that your Chapter 5 Questions are due tomorrow (March 26th). I gave you a handout that covers a lot of topics (fascism/Nazism, conditions in the Weimar Republic that allowed Hitler to come to power, techniques of dictatorship in USSR and Nazi Germany). Please complete this booklet over your Spring Break vacation. Your Chapter 5 Test is on Wednesday, April 7th, please see the study guide here (scroll down to find it). Tomorrow we will be finishing off "The Fatal Attraction of Adolf Hitler" video. I have sent out the "20th Century Rejections of Liberalism" PowerPoint as well, please print it off and add it to your notes.

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