Tuesday, February 14, 2006

February 14

I gave you a lot of class time to work on the "Regional Challenges" worksheet today, so hopefully, you were able to finish most of it in class. I will be taking it in tomorrow for homework check marks. You might have a little bit of time tomorrow to work on it. I would like you to read the three articles that I sent to you last night, making note of the following things:

  • positives/negatives of the equalization payment program
  • why the program exists
  • interesting facts within the three articles

Also, I would like you to view/read the following online presentation: "Where Your Tax Dollar Goes".

Please visit this website to read more about the Equalization Program. Please feel to look around, since this the Finance Department's website, and it contains lots of other useful pieces of information.

We continued watching "The French Revolution: Years of Hope" today in class. We picked it up where we left off yesterday with the people storming the Bastille. Please don't forget that the remainder of the Chapter 3 questions (Q17-22) are due tomorrow. I will be taking in all Chapter 3 questions (Q1-22) for homework check marks tomorrow in class.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. Gilchrist my printer is down and i am unable to print the articles... I have read them but i wont have them oin hand