Wednesday, October 26, 2005

October 26

Today we watched part of "The Killing Ground". We'll finish this documentary account into Canada's role in WWI tomorrow. I collected your notes on trench warfare today as well. I will return these notes to you tomorrow in class. I will be checking the notes for completion. I will be sending you a position paper outline via the e-mail distribution list tonight. You will have to complete a position paper outline on one of the following topics:

  • To what extent should the Canadian government promote Canadian culture and identity?
  • To what extent should the federal government attempt to limit the effects of regional differences in Canada?

Obviously, these topics allow you to draw material from various themes and sources that we have studied so far. The first question connects well with the identity unit, but it also connects with regionalism as well. The first question can be approached by discussing issues related to public funding of the CBC, NFB and Canadian content requirements in broadcasting, book and magazine publishing issues, cultural protectionism, the list goes on and on. The second question connects best with content that we looked at in the regionalism theme, in particular issues related to equalization payments, French-English relations, and Western alienation, among other topics. Here's an outline of what you need to have completed, and when related to this latest position paper assignment:

  • Complete a Position Paper Outline for Friday
  • Position Paper Outlines will be edited in class on Friday
  • Write a Position Paper (draft) for Monday, October 31st
  • Position Paper drafts will be edited in class on Monday
  • Position Paper (good copy, published form) will be due Wednesday, November 2nd

I will be in Room 110 tomorrow morning for tutorial if you wish to discuss some possible ideas related to this position paper assignment. I will try to check this blog later tonight for posted comments, or you can always send me an e-mail directly. Have a good night!

Today, I provided you with the option of studying for tomorrow's Industrial Revolution test or continuing with the Imperialism assignment. I think that most of you opted to take the time to study and prepare for tomorrow's exam. My hope is that you will also study for the test tonight as well.


Anonymous said...

Yay, you finally posted ^^ =P

Kevin Gilchrist said...

I have received some e-mails asking me what the position paper questions mean, so I'll try to explain, if you still don't understand after this explanation, then I'd expect to see you in tutorial tomorrow.
Don't let the "to what extent" part confuse you, think of this as "be it resolved". Another way to think of the question is "Should the government promote Canadian culture and identity?" In other words, should the government be involved in this activity? Should government be spending money on bilingualism and multiculturalism policies? Should the Canadian government be spending tax dollars on the CBC? (Like I said the question opens a lot of topics to explore) The "to what extent" part of the question is there to emphasize that you NEED to take a position on the issue. I know that these two questions raise a lot of issues, that's the point, it's a more difficult question.

Anonymous said...

Thank you ^^

Anonymous said...

I think the outline is missing the "conclusion" section.

Kevin Gilchrist said...

Ilyas is right everyone! Please add the conclusion to your outlines!Thanks Ilyas!

Anonymous said...

what room are you in for tutorial tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

will our outline by itself count for marks? Or are you just basing the marks one the essay alone...


Kevin Gilchrist said...

Your mark will be based on the finished position paper only. I think that it's really beneficial to write a detailed outline though, so that's why I'm having you create one.