Thursday, October 27, 2005

October 27

We finished watching "The Killing Ground" in class today. We also talked a little bit about the position paper outline which is due tomorrow.

You wrote the Industrial Revolution Test today in class. You will receive the results of this test tomorrow in class. Don't forget that the Imperialism assignment is due on Tuesday. Here's a map that might help you find some of those hard to find cities in Africa. If you click on the map you'll get a larger view of the continent.


Anonymous said...

Will we be req'd to hand in our outline with our essay or not?
thx ^^

Anonymous said...

KAYYY uhmmm i cant find leopoldville,timbuktu,fez and tripoli and ur sites are not helping!!

Kevin Gilchrist said...

You will not be required to hand in your outline with your position paper.

Anonymous said...

when we write our position papers, will we be required to use the 5 paragraphs format, or are we allowed to use a different type of format?

thx grd 10