Monday, March 19, 2007

March 19

I covered some Soviet history at the beginning of class, so if you were late, you need to get notes from one of your classmates. We also watched a couple of videos on the August 1991 coup d'etat in the Soviet Union, and the other on the rise and fall of the Soviet Union. These videos were meant to reinforce concepts that I covered in the earlier part of class. This material is testable material for your Dictatorship Unit Final, which is tomorrow. For a study guide for the Dictatorship Unit Final please click here. You have a couple of assignments due tomorrow: the Lenin and Stalin booklet, and the Dictatorship Internet Project.

You wrote your Identity Unit Final for about 60 minutes today, and then you had the remainder of class to read Chapter 7 in your textbook, and define the following terms:

  • militarism
  • imperialism
  • alliances
  • nationalism
  • no man's land
  • trench foot
  • Robert Borden
  • Triple Entente
  • Triple Alliance
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand
  • the Schlieffen Plan
  • trench warfare
  • Western Front
  • Douglas Haig
  • Battle of the Somme
  • Battle of Ypres

In the previous list, define the key terms, and identify the importance of the key people and key events. Additionally, you must take point form Notes on Trench Warfare (p. 140-141, p.143). I will be doing a homework check on the notes and the key terms tomorrow. Also, your Constitutional and Territorial Sovereignty reading booklet is due tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

What is the Western Front?

Anonymous said...

I couldn't find the answer in the reading but in activity five in the Territorial Sovereignty reading booklet, what clauses are intended to encourage unity in Canada by providing all Canadians with equal opportunity?

Kevin Gilchrist said...

What is the Western Front?
In WWI most of the fighting was waged on either the Western or the Eastern Front. The Western Front was a series of trenches that stretched from the Belgian coast in the north to the Swiss border (look at a map of Europe in your textbook to find Belgium and Switzerland, and then you'll have some idea how long these trenches were).

Kevin Gilchrist said...

I couldn't find the answer in the reading but in activity five in the Territorial Sovereignty reading booklet, what clauses are intended to encourage unity in Canada by providing all Canadians with equal opportunity?

Actually, with those reading booklets, the answers are in there. It is based on reading comprehension, so go back over what you have read.