Thursday, April 20, 2006

April 20

I will be giving you the results of your tests tomorrow. I will be throwing out some of the questions from the unit final because there were some repeat questions. We will be looking at "Imperialism in Action" tomorrow.

I gave you a presentation today on "Politics and Government" (part 2). I will be sending this presentation out shortly, but you may not receive it tonight because I want to add in the slides that were deleted today when the network went haywire. Please start working on learning those key terms that I sent you yesterday, your first pop quiz will be on those key terms. Please read in Chapter 1 of your text the following pages: p.10-15, p.17, p.19-20, p.24, p. 26-27. Make sure that you copy down the key terms on page 12 into your notes.


Anonymous said...

i have a quick question about out research projects.. how much info do we need to have and do we narrow it down to like a single topic?


Kevin Gilchrist said...

I am looking for the quality of your information, and accuracy as well. It all depends on the topic that you have chosen as far as "narrowing the topic". If for example, you're covering the D-Day invasion, you need to only cover the Canadians at Juno Beach. If you gave me some more details I might be able to give you a better answer.